
  • #DiaperDon Contact - DiaperDonDotCom@gmail.com - @diaperdondotcom@diaperdondotcom.
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The nickname for Donald Trump after finding out that he uses a diaperand shits his pants a lot because he takes a lot of drugs.
by urmommagetsbangedbymedaily November 27, 2020
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Diaper don The name given to Donald Trump Jr. He had the propensity to drink to excess, fall asleep in other people's beds, and urinate. Diaper Don spent the night in my roommate's bed and left a.

v. collectively or individually finding someone/something to blame for a problem, as opposed to brainstorming which connotes finding solutions to a problem
n. the act of finding someone/something to blame for a problem
(from a TV ad for HD television)
The committee commenced blamestorming over the situation rather than seeking solutions to the problem.
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A hashtag for Donald Trump when we saw him wearing a diaper and when we saw him wet himself.
by Kitty_Kat_S March 06, 2021
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A nickname for Donald Trump. It is a play off the nickname Dapper Don for John Gotti, a mob boss, and Donald Trump's whiny and cry baby persona and his name and his tendency to think he is some sort of mob boss.
Guy 1: The Diaper Don is trying to claimvoter fraud again.
Guy 2: He is such a crybaby.

#diaperdon Pants

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The name given to Donald Trump Jr. in college. He had the propensity to drink to excess, fall asleep in other people's beds, and urinate.
Diaper Don spent the night in my roommate's bed and left a pool of urine.
Get a diaper don mug for your barber Callisto.

Apr 25 trending

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Donald Trump went on a Twitter rampage, Thanksgiving night after a term that painted him in a bad light started trending.

Not long after the president gave a Thanksgiving press conference from a desk that seemed a bit too small for a grown man, his critics had a field day. On Thursday evening, the term “Diaper Don” set social media ablaze.

Shortly afterward, the president’s temper erupted.

Diaperdon Hashtag

Trump claimed the trending keyword was Twitter’s fault. In retaliation, he tweeted he wanted a change in federal law.

Diaperdon hashtag

“Twitter is sending out totally false ‘Trends’ that have absolutely nothing to do with what is really trending in the world. They make it up, and only negative ‘stuff.’ Same thing will happen to Twitter as is happening to Fox News daytime,” he wrote. “Also, big Conservative discrimination!”

Trump also renewed a call for Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act to be revoked. Section 230 protects social media companies from responsibility for the content that users share on their platforms. Social media companies have uniformly resisted calls for 230 to be revoked.

They say it would have a devastating impact on their platforms. However, Trump sees the negative effect as a feature, not a bug.

Donald Trump Wants Revenge

Big Tech and the Fake News Media have partnered to Suppress. Freedom of the Press is gone, a thing of the past. That’s why they refuse to report the real facts and figures of the 2020 Election or even, where’s Hunter! https://t.co/8lRglItLJt

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2020

On Friday, Trump continued his attacks on Twitter and social media. He continued his claims “Big Tech” is somehow biased against Republicans.

However, critics of the president believe he’s simply throwing a temper tantrum.

Not long after his attacks began on Thursday night, his critics fired back. Bishop Talbert Swan scored a direct hit on the president with one tweet.

Sony hard disk controller driver download for windows 10. “You’re a whiny little punk. Drivers u-blox others. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, inherited millions, failed up to the presidency because of being a privileged white male, but woe is you, the whole world is against you, boo hoo,” he wrote.

“What sort of hardcore loser spends Thanksgiving bashing Twitter trends?” another wrote.

This breaks the irony record. He accuses Twitter of just making stuff up. I wonder who actually does that. He says they only say negative stuff about others. Download wikango usb devices driver. This is enough projection to fill a whole psych book. Then he throws a tantrum over being called #DiaperDon. Then irony dies,” yet another user claimed.

Section 230 And The President

One of the issues many people have with Donald Trump calling for the repeal of Section 230 is that they think it would lead to his being punished more than he is now. The argument is that social media companies would crackdown on lies and hate speech.

Indeed, Trump is considered one of the biggest purveyors of both. Because social media is protected against the actions of its users, the companies allow him to continue posting. However, if they were to be sued for his words, they’d stop allowing them on their platforms.

Diaperdon Pictures

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