Woocommerce Abandoned Cart

WooCommerce Follow-ups is a premium WooCommerce extension

Cart abandonment emails are a big opportunity for store owners to recover otherwise lost revenue. There are many reasons why a customer leaves your store with a cart filled to the brim, but alas it happens.

Woocommerce abandoned cart recovery

WooCommerce Cart Abandonment Recovery offers everything you need to recover your abandoning carts. Unique Checkout Links: Email a unique checkout link to each shopper that takes them exactly where they left off. So if a shopper had filled the checkout form, click on the unique link takes him to a prefilled checkout page. WooCommerce Follow-ups is a premium WooCommerce extension Cart abandonment emails are a big opportunity for store owners to recover otherwise lost revenue. There are many reasons why a customer leaves your store with a cart filled to the brim, but alas it happens.

Woocommerce Abandoned Cart

Follow-up Emails is an email program that allows you to automatically engage and communicate with potential customers that leave the site without completing their purchase.

This works if the user is logged in and has a known email address, or if the user enters an email address on the checkout page and then leaves the site.

Create your email ↑ Back to top

  1. Go to: Follow-up Emails > New Email.
  2. Select Purchase email type.
  3. Add your Follow-up name and create your Email Subject.
  4. Add your email content.
  5. Set up the after added to cart trigger (covered in next section).
  6. Go to Triggers, and set your delay and choose the appropriate trigger.

Note that new variables will appear for use, and can be referenced here, for use on abandoned cart emails.

Set up triggers ↑ Back to top

You can enable the abandoned cart emails to be triggered for:

  • All products – any product that is added to the cart will trigger this specific email
  • Specific category – any product from that specific that is added to the cart will trigger this email
  • Specific product – the email will only trigger is this specific product is added to the cart

These options allow you to create a diverse set of follow-up emails across all products you sell.

Only send to abandoned carts ↑ Back to top

Now you want to make sure that this email is only sent to people who did abandon their cart, but not to those who purchased the product. In order to do that, go to: Settings > Remove on status change and enable this feature.

Yota driver. We’ve got some more documentation on setting up the body of the email, including adding variables to help you further.

Woocommerce Abandoned Cart Analytics

See this post for more tips on creating Cart Abandoned emails.